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March 2022

300 Charvel EVH Art Series Tour Guitars!!

Eddie Van Halen is without a doubt one of the most influential rock guitarists of all time (and CLEARLY THE GREATEST, just sayin').  He is equally famous for both his innovative finger-tapping style of playing, along with his iconic hand-built striped guitars. Since 1978, a countless number of 5150 Maniacs have copied EVH’s personal guitar artwork...But starting in 2004, a limited number of them were finally able to own it! Photo Credit: Gallery 618 - St. Louis, MO ABOUT ★  Limited Series Of 300 Uniquely Striped Guitars By Edward Van Halen ★  EVH Played Live On Tour 2004-2012 ★  Signed......

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★ ©2024 EVHArtGuitars.com | This website is a fan based tribute to the guitar artwork of Edward Van Halen and is in no way affiliated with EVH Gear, E.L.V.H. Inc., or Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. ★